Tuesday 23 July 2013

Tuesday is my most productive day!

Well, most weeks anyway!

Mondays tend to be a bit of a catchup from the weekend - plenty of emails from prospective customers, plenty of tweets, facebook and other social media interactions to deal with, brochure requests to respond to. I also have plenty of weekly routines to deal with to get me set up for the week. On Mondays I also have a work colleague in the office for most of the day, they have the same agenda as me & so we have plenty of interaction or should that say, I get plenty of interruptions! I get plenty done on a Monday but it is just bits and pieces.

On a Tuesday though - I have the office to myself, I don't have a large backlog of items that need dealing with & after clearing my desk I have most of the day to get on with projects that I want to - I like the quiet (living in the country it is the country sounds I can hear & of course the bleating of my goats just outside the office door) and can get plenty done without interruptions.

Wednesdays & Fridays I have a work colleague sharing the office - Wednesdays is a good day to have brainstorming sessions - in the mood to thrash out my Tuesday project thoughts (the day often gives rise to new ideas) - most are trashed but some get put on the agenda for later!

Fridays is POETS day - I always look forward to finishing around 3pm - I never do, but it is good to try each week - always seems to be a manic day, driven by clients wanting things done before the week is out!

I've missed out Thursdays - that day tends to be a bit of a nothing day, although there are times when we can turn Thursday into another Tuesday, but that is rare & depends on the workload at the time!

So, today being Tuesday, I am being productive - what is your most productive day?

Multiheat are specialists in far infrared heating panels

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