Friday, 6 September 2013

Timers and efficiency!

We all set our alarm clock to ensure that we get up at the right time every morning as we have plenty of things to do each day and some things just have to be done at the right time.

No point getting up and dropping the kids off at school at 10am, when classes start at 9am.

We all understand how timers can improve efficiency. From egg timers to tell us when the egg is is just right, to the microwave that pings after 30 seconds to tell you the cup of milk is hot, the cooker that turns itself on when you are at work to start cooking that stew ready for when you come home.

Of course a lot of us have central heating, the timer turns the heating on at such time so that when the alarm goes off, the house is nice and warm, we have hot water too and just before we leave the house the timer turns the whole lot off and will turn it all on again just before we are due to come home again.

Central heating though is just that - central - you have one controller that controls the whole house - and the whole house gets heated up twice a day regardless of whether we use each & every room. Yes, we have thermostatic valves on our radiators but do we remember to turn them down as we go to bed and turn them up again when we want more heat, no - we like to have these things controlled for us.

So, here we go, a sales pitch - not just for our infrared heating panels but any form of heating solution that does not have a central boiler - you can use timers/controllers to zone certain parts of your house!

Bedrooms can be turned off earlier in the morning & turned on later in the evening, the kitchen can be heated later in the morning & earlier in the evening and the living room can be left off in the morning and come on a bit later than the kitchen in the evening! So, instead of everywhere being heated at the same time your rooms are heated when you use them thereby keeping your energy costs down.

Controllers can be simple plug in devices to fancy controllers that have an "Early Start Function". Can be used in automatic mode only. The thermostat calculates the optimal time to start heating in order to obtain the desired temperature by the set point time. The thermostat re assesses the start time daily based on previous days results.

How clever is that?

Call us on 01237 451759 to find out more!

Multiheat are specialists in electric heating using far infrared heating panels

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