Tuesday, 11 June 2013

We all talk about the weather, don't we?

I have just posted a blog on how weather can affect your work motivation over at Devon Social Media - here -Does the weather affect your work motivation? and for one I work better when it is dry, not too hot, and obviously not too cold!

What do you do when you work from home though, and it does get a bit chilly, today the temperature is going to struggle to get up to 14C, not a comfortable warmth to sit down and watch TV, or do some work at the computer. Even a jumper doesn't quite cut it - fine for when you are moving around, but not when you are sitting still!

No... you don't want to put the central heating on, lighting a fire seems a bit over the top.. yes, let's just get that fan heater on, that'll warm you up! It will warm you up, that is true, but still an expensive way to to do it. a 2 Kilowatt heater can cost as much as 25p an hour, £2 if you keep it blowing for 8 hours, a lot of money.

Consider an infrared heater - here is a great testimonial - “I absolutely love my panel. It’s near my desk so is brilliant for those cold early mornings. It feels like I’m abroad and gets me to a perfect temperature quickly without making the room uncomfortable with hot air. When I’m working with others they always comment on how great it feels. The radiator is on just to keep it ticking over. Definitely planning on expanding my collection. Thank you.” N - a 350w panel can keep you and your desk area warm & the cost of running this panel will cost just 35 pence to run for 8 hours!

A tad less expensive than that 2Kw fan heater!

Check out our other testimonials on our website here - Testimonials & reviews!

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